Variant Dash 1 and Dash 2 Examples

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Variant -1

Variant -1 indicates that "U.S. NAVY" appears in dial in addition to the ship's name. If present, this variant code is always listed immediately after the type code and before any other variant codes.

Typically, "U.S. NAVY" appears at the top of the dial and the ship's name appears at the bottom of the dial.


The following cancel is classified as Type 2-1(n+) (D1,USS) "FF" in dial


The -1 variant code is also used for Type 6d and 6g cancels to indicate the presence of the numeral "1" inside the grid. If present, it is placed at the end of the list of lowercase letter variant codes and before the capital letter variant codes.


The following cancel is classified as Type 6egpr-1 (C+)


Variant -2

Variant -2 indicates that "FPO" and a ZIP Code appear in the dial in addition to the ship's name. If present, this variant code is always listed immediately after the type code and before any other variant codes.

Typically, the Ship's name appears at the top of the dial and the "FPO" and ZIP code appear at the bottom of the dial.


The following cancel is classified as Type 12-2(n+) (USS,FPO AP 96679-1498)


The following cancel is classified as Type 11-2(n+) (USS,FPO AE/09566-2840)


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