OtherUS Carrier Strike Group Four

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Cachets should be listed in chronological order based on earliest known usage. Use the postmark date or best guess. This applies to add-on cachets as well.

Although Commander, Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 4 was established on 29 April 2014, the command was initially activated as Carrier Division 4 as an element of the US Pacific Fleet on 13 March 1943. Following World War II, the command transferred to the US Atlantic Fleet and became a major contributor to organizing a post-war Navy. In July 1973, Carrier Division 4 was redesignated as Commander, Carrier Group (CCG) 4 and was responsible for facilitating the Navy's transition from a traditional battle force to a modern-day carrier strike group concept that emphasized a commander's responsibility for a whole carrier strike group. In October 2004, CCG-4 was redesignated as Commander, Strike Force Training Atlantic (CSFTL) as the Atlantic Fleet integrated training lead tasked to enable, mentor and assess integrated tactical training in order to ensure the warfighting of East Coast naval forces. On 29 April 2014, Commander, Strike Force Training Atlantic was redesignated as Commander, Carrier Strike Group 4.


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2014 to Present Day

CSG4 Crest





USPS Type 1 Cancel
"USPS-Naval Base Branch"
Norfolk VA

Change of Command

Cachet by Neal J. Mills



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